Alexander Golberg
Alexander Golberg
Genesea Advanced Technologies

Prof. Alexander Golberg is an expert in bioengi-neering and biotechnology. His expertise in process engineering is focused on pioneering solutions for environmental and healthcare challenges. Notably, he has made significant advancements in macroal-gae biorefinery, particularly in offshore cultivation for food ingredients, bioplastics, and energy produc-tion. He has also contributed to the conversion of food waste into biofuels and introduced a novel method for rapid molecular tissue sampling using pulsed electric fields. As a faculty member at Tel Aviv University's Department of Environmental Studies since 2014, he has published over 120 peer-reviewed papers and three academic books, including "Macroalgal Biorefineries for the Blue Economy." In 2021, he co-founded Genesea with Ivri Goren and Alex Chemodanov, aiming to estab-lish sustainable offshore seaweed as a protein source